First of all, thanks a lot to everyone who replied :-)


As i mentioned, i am new to Django and could be missing big parts.
Please do not hate me too much for my naivete :-)

The approach you suggested regarding the static files seems to be
reasonable. Especially considering that the static files will
eventually go to a separate server.

But I have some doubts regarding the templates. And the doubts come
exactly from that [explicit vs. implicit] perspective. Why not making
it more explicit? I mean to change it in a way that there is no need
to relay on the order in which Django searches for the templates. The
order is defined at the project level and this unnecessarily couples
my application with the project.

The only two places where the templates are referenced are the views
and other templates (in the “extends” tag). Please correct me if I am
wrong. Making it more explicit in the views is simple. E.g., it can be
done like this:
    template = app_settings.path_to_template('base.html')
    return render_to_response(template, …)
Here is a settings file that stays in the
application's root folder; and path_to_template is an application-
specific function, which returns absolute path to the template (using
os.path and the name of the app's folder).

Dealing with the templates that reference other templates (in the
“extends” tag) seems a bit trickier... One way that I found is to use
a variable in the “extends” tag. But that will require some code in
the application-specific context processor, which in turn will need to
be specified at the project level in in
In that case I can do something like this in the templates:
{% extends <APP>_TEMPLATES.base %}
where base is a key in the <APP>_TEMPLATES dictionary whose value
contains absolute path to the base.html.

This approach seems to be more explicit but also a bit more
complicated and still depends on the settings at the project level (on
the other hand, having an application-level context processor seems to
be almost inevitable).  And yes, my solution seems to be somehow half-

Can this problem with the “extends” tag be solved in a more elegant
Am I digging in a wrong direction? Is it easier to just rely on the
Django's template scanning order and to forget the whole thing?
What do you think?

Thank you,

> Looks pretty good, the only thing I would change would be to prefix
> templates and static files with the app name, by placing them inside a
> directory named after the app, eg 'app/templates/app/index.html', as
> this will avoid conflicts with other templates/static media.
> Cheers
> Tom

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