how about creating a proper package and installing it as an egg? That
would be a proper way I think.

See this tutorial:

It is only a matter of creating the setup.py with the list of the
stuff you need to package,  then you run(from the project dir):
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
.. or even
easy_install ./

Then, if you use PyDev or any othe IDE you have to remember to refresh
the list of the locations/eggs if your list is strict(you don't need
to if you rely on dirs only).

Hope it helps.


On Jan 5, 11:19 pm, "d.w. harks" <d...@dwink.net> wrote:
> On Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:21:30 PM, Demetrio Girardi wrote:
> > I have two apps which are inter-dependent and import stuff from one
> > another; if I decide to go for the project.app route, is there a way
> > to import
> > things without a reference to the project name? otherwise the imports
> > would
> > have to be rewritten when the apps are installed in another projcet.
> If you have two apps that import from one another, then I'd suggest
> merging them into a single app -- it indicates that the features of the
> two are coupled and not useful without each other anyhow.
> That said, I would vote that it's better to add to your PYTHONPATH in
> the IDE settings than it is to have the apps import stuff via an 'import
> project.app'.
> --
> David W. Harks<d...@dwink.net>

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