On Jan 2, 8:49 pm, Victor Hooi <victorh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you mean learning more about Django in general, or about the
> models.py/database portion specifically?
> If you haven't done much web-development before, or used any MVC
> frameworks, I suggest you start by reading up on those - there's plenty of
> guides to that online.
> In terms of learning database theory, I'd suggest either "Database Design
> for Mere Mortals"
> (http://www.amazon.com/Database-Design-Mere-Mortals-Hands/dp/0201694719),
> or "Database Design with UML and SQL" (http://www.tomjewett.com/dbdesign/).
> Cheers,
> Victor

Well, I was referring to the database part, but really I need to learn
more about web development too. I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript vaguely,
and that's about it. Since I LUV Python (like I said, a beginner in
Python) I figured Django would be a good place to start learning web
dev.Am I wrong?? You're saying INSTEAD OF Django, learn an MVC? I was
under the impression Django was an MVC, am I wrong??

And Thanks for the help Victor!

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