I assume that you are performing these functions in a view.

I would test the value

by rendering this to a template and see what 'gm' spits out.
This way you will find out what is sitting in the variable

On Dec 26, 4:33 am, Mohammad Shahid Siddiqui
<m.shahid.siddi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have added one column in the table of mysql db using 'python manage.py
> syncdb' after deleting the table.
> Now from the home page, I am fetching the value of text area, and trying to
> put in the database. The value when written to flat file, is same as
> fetched, but when writing to database, it is inserting null. The code is-
> value fetched by-
> submit['grnvalue'] = request.GET.get('grnvalue', '')
> g = open('/c/coverity/ngcov.lst', 'a')
> g.write("branch=" + submit['branch'] + ";" + "arch=" + submit['arch'] + ";"
> + "targets=" + added_tgts + ";" + "schedule=" + submit['schedule']  +
> ";grn=" + submit['grnvalue']+"\n")
> g.close()
> In this file, I am getting the value as put in the text area having id
> 'grnvalue'.
> Now I am saving this to database-
> s = Subscribed(name=submit['branch'], status="Subscribed",
> targets=added_tgts, architecture=submit['arch'],
> release=submit['schedule'], running_time=0, user=owner, remarks=notify,
> grn=submit['grnvalue'])
> s.save()
> The database contains Table Subscribed where I have added column grn. All
> values are put, but grn field is filled empty all the time.
> Please help me in this issue.
> --
> Best Regards,
> *M Shahid Siddiqui*
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