Sure, here you go:

Taken from:<>


if __name__ == '__main__':
This little wart has long been a staple of many python introductions. It
lets you treat a python script as a module, or a module as a python script.
Clever, sure, but it's better to keep your scripts and modules separate in
the first place.

If you treat a module like a script, then something imports the module
you're in trouble: now you have two copies of everything in that module.

I have used this trick to make running tests easier, but setuptools already
provides a better hook for running tests. For scripts setuptools has an
answer too, just give it a name and a function to call, and you're done.

My last criticism is that a single line of python should never be 10
alphanumeric characters and 13 punctuation characters. All those
underscores are there as a warning that some special non-obvious
language-related thing is going on, and it's not even necessary.

See also setuptools/distribute automatic script creation

and also PEP 366 pointed out by agentultra on HN


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <> wrote:

>  Could you provide a link to the bit about __name__ == __main__? I'd be
> interested in learning more about that...
> Thanks,
> _Nik
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