I found an article that described how theonion.com did something
similar. Their url is the slug and an ID separated by a comma. The
article said pulling by ID gives a performance gain. But they wanted
to keep the seo friendly url as well.


With that idea I implemented a solution that I like:

My path resolves to: /<slug>,<api_id>/foo

urlpatterns = patterns('app.views',
   (r'^(?P<pageslug>[\w-]+),(?P<api_id>.*)/foo/$', 'viewfunction'),

def viewfunction(request, api_id, pageslug):
     if pageslug != themodel.slug:
        themodel = get_object_or_404(MyModel, custom_id=api_id)

set get_absolute_url() in models.py accordingly.


On Dec 7, 1:36 pm, mattym <slackbabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all -
> Question. I would love to use a slug in the usual way for nice urls:
> #urls.py
> urlpatterns = patterns('app.views',
>     (r'^(?P<myslug>.*)/foo/$', 'viewfunction'),
> )
> #views.py
> def viewfunction(request, myslug):
>     themodel = get_object_or_404(MyModel, slug=myslug)
> However, due to requirements 'themodel' will have to be pulled by a
> custom id that is retrieved via an API.  From there to get proper
> routing I had to chang urls.py and views.py to.
> #urls.py
> urlpatterns = patterns('app.views',
>     (r'^(?P<api_id>.*)/foo/$', 'viewfunction'),
> )
> #views.py
> def viewfunction(request, api_id):
>     themodel = get_object_or_404(MyModel, custom_id=api_id)
> This works. But with ugly URLS:
> What is the cleanest way to pull mymodel with the custom api_id, and
> still have a slug/seo friendly url?
> This seems simple but my mind is trying to make it complex.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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