Hi all -

I have some questions before I submit a ticket with a patch to change
a few things in the docs/topics/testing.txt file. One change is a typo
fix, and another is a possible change I have a question about. Since
they're both relatively minor changes to the same file (no major
rewrites required), do I submit both on one ticket (after my question
about the second change is answered here) with my patch, or do they
need to be submitted separately?

This example under the "Running tests" section of the page is what
confused me when I read it, so I thought I should check before I
suggested a change in case I was reading the example incorrectly. *g*

Here's the relevant bit of the docs:


And it gets even more granular than that! To run a *single* test
method inside a test case, add the name of the test method to the

    $ ./manage.py test animals.AnimalTestCase.testFluffyAnimals


In both unittest and doctest examples given above that test run
example, there is no testFluffyAnimals method. The unittest defines
testSpeaking and the doctest uses speak. I think it would be clearer
if the example read like this:

    $ ./manage.py test animals.AnimalTestCase.testSpeaking

Am I reading the original example correctly? Or is it just that my
brain's tired from looking at this stuff too long today? :)

Ok, I lied, there's actually a third issue--something I noticed as I
was double checking before I sent this email: shouldn't the method be
named test_speaking, if we're supposed to follow the guidelines on the
coding style page? "Use underscores, not camelCase, for variable,
function and method names (i.e. poll.get_unique_voters(), not

Thanks for the input -
Annie Mullin

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