I see. The namespaced packages weren't a problem until I tried to
install them with egg-links, so it seems like this is more of a
deficiency in setuptools. I'll look around for a solution

On Dec 6, 4:54 am, Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> wrote:
> On 06-12-11 06:34, cberner wrote:
> > I've run into an issue with namespaced packages that are installed in
> > development mode.
> > I have two packages that are installed with pip in development mode
> > (pip install develop):
> > A.B.management.commands (code in ~/A.B/A/B/management/commands/) and
> > A.C.management.commands (~/A.C/A/C/management/commands)
> > A.B and A.C can be distributed separately via pip, and A is just a
> > namespace package (our company name, in my case).
> > The problem is that management commands in A.C aren't detected,
> > because manage.py relies on imp.find_module, and when installed in
> > development mode, setuptools uses egg-links (symlinks), which means
> > that find_module('A') returns the path to A.B (because it comes first
> > alphabetically), but not the path to A.C.
> > When the packages are installed (not in development mode) everything
> > works fine, because the packages are merged into the same directory
> > hierarchy in site-packages. Anyone have suggestions for fixing this?
> Django doesn't really like namespace packages. The problem is with the
> applications in the INSTALLED_APPS list. Did you add 'A' in there? Then
> it is logical that it only finds one of the two.
> You ought to add both 'B' and 'C' in the INSTALLED_APPS list.
> For my, this defeats the purpose of namespace packages a bit. I was used
> myself to companyname.product packages, but in Django I've switched to
> packages named companyname-product (with a dash) and modules named
> companyname_product (with an underscore).
> - You still have the companyname prefix.
> - You get the full "companyname_product" in INSTALLED_APPS.
> - You visually see the difference between the package dir and the python
> module dir.
> Reinout
> --
> Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
> rein...@vanrees.org            http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
> "If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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