Dear group,

I have two models in a foreign key relation. The 'master' table is
extremely simple, having only the primary key field. The child table
has multiple fields. (The rationale for the master table is that it
has FK relations to a number of otherwise unrelated tables.)

My use case is that I have a bunch of child model objects, and I want
to get their master model object. The naive code would be something

masters = [c.master for c in children]

Since the foreign key is not null, we are ensured that c.master must
exist. Moreover, there are no additional fields to query. So, the
above should not need to result in a database call, as there is no new
information to gather. Unfortunately, Django makes a (pretty silly)
"select from masters where = X" call for each
child object. Now there can easily be thousands of children, so this
is not a trivial expense.

I've tried various things like

[Masters.objects.filter(pk=c.master_id).defer()[0] for c in children]

But Django seems to insist on querying the primary key (which would
normally make sense as an existence check, although it would be nice
if this check could be deferred as well).

Obviously, I could use [c.master_id for c in children] instead, but I
hate passing integers around when I mean model objects (eg the model
identity is lost).

I guess in this case I could call the constructor directly (eg
[Masters(id=c.master_id) for c in children]), but I think the
assumption is that this would be a *new* object to be saved, so if
other code would call it will try to insert the record.

Is there a way to get the master model objects without invoking the

If not, what is the preferred way to get the objects with a single
list(Master.objects.filter(id__in=[c.master_id for c in all]))
This call works, but is Django smart enough to break that into
multiple queries if the list becomes too large to "fit" in a single
query (I think most DB backends have some sort of limit on query

Thanks a lot,


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