What are your settings?  Using carrot?  Kombu?  RabbitMQ?  

Does your task try to return a value?  

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 27, 2011, at 11:22 PM, Nathan McCorkle <nmz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> P.S. the printGene function works... printing the messages on the
> celeryd console terminal... the processXLS1 function doesn't even
> print anything at all
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Nathan McCorkle <nmz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah I've seen the djcelery solution before... I've tried implementing
>> it, but I'm getting an error on the celeryd console:
>> TypeError: processXLS1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'task_is_eager'
>> when I try running processXLS1.delay(dataObjectID=someInteger) from a
>> function in views.py
>> here's what's in my tasks.py:
>> "
>> from celery.decorators import task
>> from enzymeFilter.models import *
>> from django.db import transaction
>> @task
>> def printGene(y):
>>        print "ppppppppppppppppppp"
>>        fil=open('/var/www/media/testFile','w')
>>        fil.write('coming from background')
>>        fil.close()
>>        print Gene.objects.get(id=y+1)
>>        return True
>> @task
>> @transaction.commit_manually
>> def processXLS1(datasetObjectID):
>>        print "processing XLS as task"
>>        datasetObject = Dataset.objects.get(id=datasetObjectID)
>>        try:
>>            ... more processing code
>> "
>> thanks
>> -Nathan
>> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Brian Schott <bfsch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You really should look at django-celery and RabbitMQ.  The upload submit 
>>> can initiate a task that is defined in tasks.py.  There are separate worker 
>>> processes that pick up the task from the message queue and do the actual 
>>> work.  These workers don't even have to be on the same machine with 
>>> rabbitMQ so you get instant scalability.   Then your AJAX job status view 
>>> can poll a job status table that is updated by the task and you don't have 
>>> to worry about threads.
>>> https://github.com/ask/django-celery
>>> Brian Schott
>>> bfsch...@gmail.com
>>> On Nov 27, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Nathan McCorkle wrote:
>>>> I'm using Django 1.3 and am processing 3 files into genes, proteins,
>>>> and genomes for a tool I built... this processing usually takes
>>>> between 5 minutes to a few hours, depending on the genome size.
>>>> After uploading the files (10-100 MB), the upload view begins
>>>> processing the files, without returning for a long time (causing my
>>>> browser to ask me if I want to kill the plupload script).
>>>> For the user of this app, they don't know if their upload failed or is
>>>> processing, etc... so I'd think forking the processing function (or
>>>> making it a new thread) is what needs to happen, then the view can
>>>> return to the user, and the upload page can start doing AJAX requests
>>>> to check to processing progress.
>>>> I feel like I want to do this:
>>>> http://www.artfulcode.net/articles/threading-django/
>>>> but am scared of crashing because I've heard Django isn't threadsafe
>>>> with transactions. (and my processing function is making DB
>>>> transactions)
>>>> --
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>> --
>> Nathan McCorkle
>> Rochester Institute of Technology
>> College of Science, Biotechnology/Bioinformatics
> -- 
> Nathan McCorkle
> Rochester Institute of Technology
> College of Science, Biotechnology/Bioinformatics
> -- 
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