
I'm not familiar with ManyToMany relationships since I use Django with
mongodb and this doesn't exist like so. But I'll give it a shot :

> For example: "foo", "pepe1", "pepe2" are users of the project. I
> delete returns "foo"
> I try in every way like this:
> datos=Proyectos.objects.get(id=identificador)
> if request.POST.get('usuarios','')!='':
>         datos.usuarios.add(request.POST.get('usuarios'))
>         if request.POST.get('usuariosDelete','')!='':
>                 datos.usuarios=[]

First it only tries to delete a user if a user is added, is it
intended ?
Then here :


Here you're adding the username from the form when there is a User
object expected ?

>I want to eliminate one of those

So why trying to do  datos.usuarios=[] ? Should be

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