Job Description of the full time position:
Develop business logic middleware for an internet media content
streaming and download system.
This middleware provides API for - mostly - mobile client apps, and
connects to several backends for accessing content, authentication
Job also involves implementing, and maintaining the frontend for a
javascript heavy, HTML5 based, web-radio system.

Required skills/experience with:
-Python Superstar
-Web Development
-Google App Engine (  deploying, understanding the datastore,
limitations )
-Organized and responsible, being able to work independently or with
little supervision
-Being able to see things from inception to conception (beginning to
-Making architectural decisions
-Taking over someone else's code
-Being able to communicate in english, writing + speaking.

Knowledge about:
.Continuos Integration
.Backup Strategy Skills

Estimated starting date:
1st of January

Salary: negotiable

Working place: at the office of the company, Hungary, Budapest

Send your english CV if you are interested asap! :)

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