We bumped up our preform MPM max threads to 50 from 20, seeing if this
is the problem. Our sysop is out for the week.

On Nov 23, 10:43 am, joelryan2k <joelryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you running multithreaded?  I had similar issues until I
> eliminated threads and just used multiple processes.  Pinax was
> involved in my problem, too.
> On Nov 23, 9:36 am, Tyrel Souza <tacid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Client emailed me this morning saying:
> >         We have had several complaints from members who are having
> > trouble logging in. This has been going on for three weeks. When they
> > log in they are either sent to a blank page or redirected to the login
> > page with no . We have followed up with several of them, and
> > apparently after waiting several hours or trying the next day they can
> > get in and see a record of all of their previously failed login
> > attempts on their messages page.
> > For this server we have two separate Apache instances running accessed
> > via nginx. I am new at this and can't really pinpoint the problem. I
> > do know that if
> > $ sudo /home/django/bin/httpd restart
> > The problem goes away for a little while, but this isn't productive
> > and only delays fixing the problem.
> > If anyone has any ideas on what to check, or if you are willing to
> > help and need more information, please let me know.
> > Off the top of my head the Django version is 1.0.3 and we are using
> > Pinax.

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