there are tons of django apps. you can search them, install and use in
your application without any problems.

for example for your rich text editor need, you can use django-
ckeditor application. it also gives you the possibility of browse and
upload images on the fly.

for the rest of your needs search and

good luck.

On Nov 23, 6:24 am, "michael.grant" <> wrote:
> I'm about to embark on a project that's well suitable to a web framework.
>  I've had my eye on django for a couple years now but haven't done anything
> more than work through the basic tutorial so far.
> There's a handful of things I need to do over and over and I'm not sure if
> these are part of django or some other toolkit.
> 1) I need to have an easy way to upload and manage images
> 2) Some of the text boxes on the site need to be rich text, I'll need
> something like fckeditor or some other rich text (html) editor
> 3) I need a combo-box widget which presents a list of choices and a text
> field.  If the user doesn't find what they want in the list, they enter a
> new item as text.  As they type, the possible choices are given to them.
>  I'm not sure what this is called, I'd call it a
> combo-box-with-auto-complete-and-auto-add.
> 4) Grids with virtual scrolling
> It seems like I should not have to re-invent the wheel.  Is there a set of
> widgets that I can use with django to do these sort of things (and more)?
>  I've seen the documentation on the built-in widgets but they all seem very
> basic.

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  • Widgets michael.grant
    • Re: Widgets Mengu

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