Hi Uros,

On 09/05/2011 03:37 PM, Uros Trebec wrote:
> Take a look at Sentry: http://readthedocs.org/docs/sentry/
> It works pretty well, uses polling to update the log view, can track
> multiple sites with separate Sentry Server, etc.

This looks like an option, but it is doing much more than I really want
to use.

I'm just looking for a trick to capture the django exceptions and send
the related backtraces to stdout (or a log file)  (which will be stored
in a log file)

> On Sep 5, 12:58 am, Gelonida N <gelon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Im am debugging a django application.
>> If I set  DEBUG=True
>> then I can see error messages on the browser.
>> Is there any way to see the same error messages in the server log file?
>> Occasionally (especially for rpc client or Ajax requests I would prefer
>> looking at the log file instead of looking at the browser error messages)
>> Thanks for any suggestions.

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