
I just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.
I'm writing a command that takes multiple required parameters and a
set of optional parameters and I there doesn't seem to be readily
available support for this use case.  LabelCommand can take multiple
labels, but the semantics of the labels are such that they are assumed
to be independent of each other and are really equivalent to two
invocations of the command each with its own label. At the moment, I'm
simply using BaseCommand and handling parameters manually in the
handle() method.  I want to know if there is something I'm missing
that would give me out-of-box support of multiple required parameters
(like validation, assignment to local variables, etc.).  E.g.

class Command(ParametrizedCommand):
    help = 'Kick off a node analysis task for a given path in a
    args = '<repository> <path>'

    def handle_parameters(self, repo_name, path, **options):


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