Instead of adding a template tag, you could handle this in the class for
obj.  Just have get_votes() cache its result and use the cached value
after the first time get_votes() is called.  In the template, always call


On 11/7/11 4:12 PM, "Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar" <>

>Ah, ok; I see what you want to do. I'm not aware of any way to do this,
>other than as you mentioned a custom template tag.
>On 11/7/2011 2:04 PM, wrote:
>> On Nov 7, 3:50 pm, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <>
>> wrote:
>>> Assuming obj is iterable, you can do: {% with
>>> obj.0.thingobj.get_something as thing %}
>>> that what you mean?
>> Not exactly, no. In my particular case, it's more of a check to see if
>> it's available, and if not, do a bit more work to get something that
>> will fill the current need. Or, in other words, maybe I'm storing it
>> locally, or maybe I'm not.
>> Another example:
>> {% with firstof obj.votes obj.get_votes as votes %}
>> Which would then let me do something with votes: "There have been
>> {{ votes }} vote{{ votes|pluralize }}.
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