before getting more in depth in writing my project I ask you a general
design question. My Django knowledge is not BIG enough for me to be
able to have a clear answer (with for and cons) on my question.

Here are the main guidelines of my project :
- I've two kind of users : Shop owners and consumers (I've already don
the part for consumers wich is quite simple)
- Shop owners have to register (Simple workflow : Email send with a
link for confirmation and activation)
- I like shops owners to be able to:
    - Create one ore more shops with some informations (Adress, openg/
closing time etc ....)
    - For each shop, they can add events
    - Of course each shops owner can only access to shops and events
he has created himself

My question, is:
Do you thing it's better to use and customize the admin interface or
it's better to write all "from scratch".

My goal here is to setup a POOF and not necessary is project wich can
handle millions of hits :-)

Feel free to ask further information if needed.

Thanks in advance for your time.


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