On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Jaroslav Dobrek
<jaroslav.dob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You are confusing model fields with form fields. MultipleChoiceField
>> is a form field, not a model field.
> I wasn't aware of the existence of MultipleChoiceFields. The idea of
> the above code was to express that I wanted to use this code
> class Candidate(models.Model):
>    programming_languages = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=(
>            (u'Python)', u'Python'),
>            (u'C++', u'C++'),
>            (u'Java', u'Java'),
>            # ...
>            ), blank=True)
> with the only exception that, in the admin interface, several choices
> are possible when one creates a new candidate object. I.e. I want
> admins to be able to create a candidate that knows, say Python *and* C+
> + by choosing both of these languages during the creation of the
> object. I used the string "MultipleChoiceField" as a dummy for
> whatever should be used instead.
> Jaroslav
That isn't possible with a single field using Django's default fields.
You want a ManyToManyField to a separate LanguageChoices model.

As an alternative, you could define a new field type that would use
MultipleChoiceField as the form field, and compresses and decompresses
from a single value. This would be a lot more work than simply
defining the additional model.



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