Hi Django-users!

I'm using Satchmo (a Django project) and I'm having what I believe to
be a generic Django problem.

What's going on is that I'm trying to get a custom shipping module to
show up in this list:


According to http://www.satchmoproject.com/docs/dev/shipping.html I
should be able to add to this by modifying the SATCHMO_SETTINGS.

Here's what I've got:
   'SHOP_BASE' : '',
   'MULTISHOP' : False,
   'CUSTOM_SHIPPING_MODULES': ['zipcode'],
   #'SHOP_URLS' : patterns('satchmo_store.shop.views',)

I have a folder in ~/store/ called zipcode which is a skeleton
shipping module I intend to extend. I can't get it to show up though
in the admin, so I can't extend it.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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