On 2011-10-27, at 11:53 , Ahmed Refaey wrote:

> Dear Community,
> I tried to configure simple logging system like this:
>    'version': 1,
>    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
>    'formatters': {
>            'simple': {
>            'format': '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
>            }
>    },
>    'handlers': {
>        'console':{
>            'level':'INFO',
>            'class':'logging.StreamHandler',
>            'formatter': 'simple'
>        }
>    },
>    'loggers': {
>        'xlogger': {
>            'handlers': ['console'],
>            'level': 'INFO'
>        }
>    }
> }
> Then in any module I tred:
>        logger.info('hello')
>        logger.debug('world')
> then I just get the INFO messages in the stdout, but I expected to see all 
> higher level message, why?
> Thanks,

debug is a lower level than info, not higher (for standard `logging` levels,
critical > error > warning > info > debug).

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