Dear all, I'm having a problem doing the section "LayerMapping" of the GeoDjango official Tutorial [1].
After creating in the world directory. Leaving as specified: "the transform keyword set to False because the data in the shapefile does not need to be converted -- it's already in WGS84 (SRID=4326)" I execute as indicate the following commands: $ python shell >>> from world import load >>> And obtain the following error: Failed to save the feature (id: 0) into the model with the keyword arguments: {'iso2': u'AG', 'pop2005': 83039, 'area': 44, 'region': 19, 'lon': -61.783000000000001, 'iso3': u'ATG', 'subregion': 29, 'fips': u'AC', 'lat': 17.077999999999999, 'un': 28, 'mpoly': 'MULTIPOLYGON (((-61.729171999999949 17.608608000000004,-61.731116999999983 17.54722200000009,-61.732779999999991 17.541111,-61.738891999999964 17.5405540000001,-61.751944999999921 ... 17.644722000000115,-61.731673999999941 17.624996000000067,-61.729171999999949 17.608608000000004)))', 'name': u'Antigua and Barbuda'} [... stack trace] IntegrityError: new row for relation "world_worldborder" violates check constraint "enforce_srid_mpoly" Postgres enforcing the check constraint for SRID=4326. I don't know to say to Django to insert explicitely the SRID into the MULTIPOLYGON command. Inserting the line by hand on Postgres work fine using ST_Geomfromtext( 'MULTIPOLYGON(((...) (...)),4326). The same problem occurs with other tutorials: GeoDjango Database API with the Zipcode model [2] GeographicAdminQuickStart [3] I'm working with Python 2.6 / Django 1.3 with GeoDjango / GDAL 1.7.2 / PostgreSQL 8.4.8 / PostGIS 1.5 / Pyscopg2 2.4 Thank you for your time and your help, Pauline Emery [1] [2] [3] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at