I am new to Django.
I have installed Django and go t everything set up correctly, just started
some easy tutorials.

So when I do
Django-admin.py startapp  blog

it creates a /blog directory that looks like thsi
    - __init__.py
    - tests.py
    - models.py
    - views.py

I know in Django, when you run "python manage.py syncdb", it will look
through models.py, and create all the table it finds.
However, I dont want to create all my tables in models.py, becaue when my
proj get bigger, it is hard to maintain.
Therefore, I create a subdirectory "/Models" to store all my model

    - __init__.py
    - tests.py
    - models.py
    - views.py
        - __init__.py

 so in my
models.py: (only 2 lines)
from django.db import models
from blog.Models import post

in my post.py: (only 3 lines)
from django.db import models
class post(models.Model):
  body = models.TextField()

and then when I run "python manage.py syncdb" , it doesn't create the table
"post" for me.

Could anyone please help?

Thanks very much
Best regards

⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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