Thank you so much for the awesome clarification. It makes a lot more sense.
I'm going to read those docs and play around with the code just to feel
comfortable. I appreciate the great answer!

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Steven Cummings <>wrote:

> The wrapper that you typically see is the new function that is returned.
> This usually invokes the original, given function in addition to some extra
> ("decorating") logic around that call. Based on that question it sounds like
> you might want to check out some introductory material on decorators [1][2].
> Django view decorators simply need to be able to decorate a view function
> or class, which means they need to support decorating something that takes a
> request and optional args and returns a response. That means your wrapper
> function can specify this much of the signature, and that's how you get
> ahold of the request to work with. So, based on your pseudocode:
> def intercept_foos(view_func):
>     def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
>         if
>             return redirect('/foo')
>         return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
>     return wrapper
> Then just apply it as you did in your example.
> Hope this helps.
> [1]
> A 
> good starting point
> [2] - A
> handy module and discussion of preserving function signatures
> --
> Steven
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kurtis Mullins 
> <>wrote:
>> Thanks Fred! I tried to look through your code and understand what's going
>> on -- but I'm still at a loss. I'm guessing I need to look at the Django
>> source to see what should be returned when you hit a URL and what is passed.
>> The wrapper is confusing me and I've seen that in Django code as well. I'm
>> going to go out on a limb and say it's probably not as easy as I hoped,
>> haha.
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Sells, Fred <
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm no expert but this is what I built to log all user actions -- warts
>>> and all
>>> def decorate(func):
>>>    ##################print 'Decorating %s...' % func.__name__
>>>    def wrapped( *args, **kwargs):
>>>        request = args[0]
>>>        if len(args)>1: command=str(args[1])
>>>        else: command = ''
>>>        ipaddr = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
>>>        user = request.session.get('user', None)
>>>        if user: userid = user.userid
>>>        else: userid = '?'
>>>        qs =  extract_querystring_from_request(request)
>>>        parameters = Parameters(**qs)
>>>        resid = parameters.pop('resid', '')
>>>        assessmentid = parameters.pop('id', 0)
>>>        facility = parameters.pop('facility','')
>>>        modified = func.__name__ in ("setvalues", "setraw", "create",
>>> 'editcaas')
>>> ###        print func.__name__, 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz', modified, qs
>>>        modified = modified or (func.__name__=='command' and
>>> command!='print')
>>>        fieldnames = parameters.values().keys()
>>>        for signature in SIGNATURE_FIELDS:
>>>            if signature in fieldnames: command='signit'
>>>        if (not facility) and resid:
>>>            facility = resid[:2]
>>>        option = str(parameters)[:110]
>>>        action = '%s:%s' % (func.__name__, command)
>>> ###        print  "\n\n\n\ncalled wrapped function with ", (action,
>>> option, str(parameters))
>>>        record = models.HipaaLog.objects.create(Version=K.VERSION,
>>> userid=userid,
>>>                                                Action=action,
>>> Options=option,
>>>                                                #StartTime =
>>> AssessmentId=assessmentid, ResidentId=resid,
>>>                                                Modified = modified,
>>>                                                IpAddress = ipaddr,
>>> Facility=facility)
>>>        #print record.Modified, record.Action, 'record'
>>>        results = func( *args, **kwargs)
>>>        #record.StopTime =
>>>        return results
>>>    ############################print 'done'
>>>    return wrapped
>>> --------------------------------
>>> @decorate
>>> def command(request, *args, **kwargs):
>>>        ...
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kurtis
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:03 PM
>>> To: Django users
>>> Subject: Sample Custom Decorator
>>> Hey Guys,
>>> Would anyone be willing to show me an example of a very simple and
>>> dumb decorator for views? I've been trying to read the existing
>>> decorators and play with a couple of snippets but I'm having a lot of
>>> trouble with two aspects -- grabbing the User Instance and Redirecting
>>> somewhere besides Login (without making it look like a hack).
>>> Here's some ugly pseudo-code for what I'm trying to accomplish...
>>> # Custom Decorator
>>> def my_decorator(function = None)
>>>    # Grab Data
>>>    request = how_do_i_get_this?
>>>    user = request.user
>>>    # Perform Logic, Redirect or Continue Normally
>>>    if
>>>        redirect to '/foo' URL
>>>    else
>>>        display requested view?
>>> # Decorated TemplateView
>>> url(r'^$', my_decorator(TemplateView.as_view(template_name =
>>> 'bar.html'))),
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
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