> Your STATICFILES_DIRS should not be set to static.
> Create a new theme directory, put your files there and update your 
> Have a look at 
> http://www.linovia.com/blog/django-staticfiles-troubleshooting/ for an 
> example.
Yeah, read that post and I disagree. Introducing yet another name on the 
filesystem (theme) certainly isn't helping people (this thread and many 
others show there's enough confusion already). It makes more sense to have a 
1:1 mapping between variable naming in settings.py and directories on the 
filesystem e.g. STATIC_ROOT to static_root, STATIC_DIRS to static/<foo>. 
Plus, Django is not Joomla or Plone or... so thinking in terms of "themes" 
is semantically wrong as it makes you think of Django as a CMS (one layer to 

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