Le 8 oct. 2011 à 16:12, CrabbyPete a écrit :

> I am fooling around with django generic class views, and I was
> wondering if its possible to actually build class views per item for
> example I have the following class view.
> class TeamView( View, TemplateResponseMixin ):
>    template_name = 'team.html'
>    def get(self, request):
>        if 'team' in request.GET:
>            team = Team.objects.get(id = request.GET['team'])
>            form = TeamForm( instance = team )
>        else
>            team = None
>            form = TeamForm( )
>        return self.render_to_response({'form':form})
>    def post(self, request):
>        form = TeamForm(request.POST)
>        if not form.is_valid():
>            return self.render_to_response({'form': form})
>        ....
> I want to use this class to also delete the team. I love to use a
> method by itself by adding
>   def delete(self,request)
>       if 'team' in request.GET:
>            team = Team.objects.get(id = request.GET['team'])
>            team.delete()
> Is there a way to specify this in url.py and get around the dispatch
> for the get?
> Any advise appreciated.


You have CreateView / UpdateView for that.


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