Ack! Russ, I missed this e-mail! I am so sorry for the late reply!

Thanks so much for helping me out, I really appreciate it. :)

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
<> wrote:
> There's no need to subclass TemplateView and provide your own implementation
> of get_context_data() - the default TemplateView implementation does exactly
> (and I mean character-for-character exactly) what you've defined. So, you
> just need to deploy a default TemplateView in your

Hehe! Thanks so much for pointing that out! I should have visited the
source code before posting my question. :(

It's funny, I was just going to reply to the list with my latest
solution... Long story short, my co-worker shared this code:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
   (r'^phone-list/$', ListView.as_view(

... and that motivated me to read the source code [1] and write this
in my

from django.views import generic
(r'^(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9]{32})/$', generic.TemplateView.as_view(

Exactly what you suggested that I do!

That's great though. Thank you for taking the time to help me out, I
really appreciate it. :)

> I know the class-based views docs aren't as good as they could be - thats
> mostly my fault. I also know that "read the source" isn't a real
> documentation answer. However, the CBV code is quite well documented
> internally, and isn't all that complex at the end of the day - if you've got
> questions about how to do something obscure with CBVs, a quick peruse of the
> source is well worth your time.

That works for me! Like I said above, I should have read the source
code before bugging the group. It's amazing how clear things can be
when reading the Django source code.

>From now on, I will be sure to go to the code before asking questions. :D

Thanks again! Have an awesome day.


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