Hi Nghia,

The common pattern is to extend django.contrib.auth.models.User by creating 
your own "profile" model with the fields you need [1].  Then you can set the 
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting and access the profile from User objects through 
the User.get_profile method.  The Python standard library has modules related 
to encryption [2].

  2.  http://docs.python.org/library/crypto.html

Hope that helps,


From: Le Huu Nghia <lehuunghi...@gmail.com<mailto:lehuunghi...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: <django-users@googlegroups.com<mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com>>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 19:34:39 +0800
To: <django-users@googlegroups.com<mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com>>
Subject: encrypt and decrypt data in django.

Dear All,

i want to create a table to store information of user ,
That includes (username , password, .......)  this table must be diffrent from 
admin table.
(ex some personal info so on)

can you give me an advice which lib of django to encrypt and decrypt , look 
like the table admin of django.

Thanks a lot.

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