On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Steven Smith <ste...@stevenlsmith.com> wrote:
> What's the cheapest way to do my queries and mix the results into one
> feed?

I'd say to do it in Python.

a simpler case: you have two querysets and want a single 'feed' with
results of one query followed by the other:

    from itertools import chain

    reviews = Review.objects.filter(....)
    postings = MarketplacePosting.objects.filter(...)

    combined_feed = chain(reviews, postings)

simple, eh?  now a nicest addition would be to define an ordering for
each queryset on a similarly-named field and have the resultant
combination merges so the order is respected; something like this

def merge (fld, seqA, seqB):
        iterA, iterB = iter(seqA), iter(seqB)
        a, b = next(iterA), next(iterB)
        while True:
                if getattr(a,fld) <= getattr(b,fld):
                        yield a
                                a = next(iterA)
                        except StopIteration:
                                while True:
                                        yield next(iterB)
                        yield b
                        b = next(iterB)
                                b = next(iterB)
                        except StopIteration:
                                while True:
                                        yield next(iterA)


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