Here is one approach...

class FBFriends:
    def get_friends(self, current_user):
        return __get_friends(current_user) # heavy call

def suggest(request, usrid=None, friend_source=FBFriends()):
    current_user = request.facebook.user
    facebook_friends = friend_source.get_friends(current_user)

Meanwhile, in

class FBFriendsMock:
    def get_friends(self, current_user):
        return [(2, 'John Doe'), (4, 'Jane Doe'), (5, 'The Frog')]

def test_suggest(self):
    request = some_hand_crafted_request()
    response = suggest(request, friend_source=FBFriendsMock())
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # or whatever


On Oct 4, 7:34 am, Reikje <> wrote:
> In one of my views, I am doing a call to the Facebook graph API which
> is a bit heavyweight and you also need a valid token. I am looking
> into ways to use mocking/dependency injection to avoid having to do
> this call during view tests. So let's say i have this view method:
> def suggest(request, usrid = None):
>     current_user = request.facebook.user
>     facebook_friends = __get_friends(current_user) # heavy call
> during testing I want to use something simple:
> def suggest(request, usrid = None):
>     current_user = request.facebook.user
>     facebook_friends = [(2, 'John Doe'), (4, 'Jane Doe'), (5, 'The
> Frog')]
> Any suggestion how to do mocking/DI from a view?

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