
I want to match a url in urls.py. Can you teach me how to do it? Thanks.I
have tried the following two versions. But as long as I put a . (dot) in the
regular expression, it gives me a "bad character range" error.

./?%&=]*)?|[a-zA-Z/-/.][/w-]+.([^a-z])(/[/w-: ./?%&=]*)?*)',
'ueseo.pagerank.views.CheckPageRankStatic'),# a static page version of page
rank check

'ueseo.pagerank.views.CheckPageRankStatic'),# a static page version of page
rank check

He Jibo
Department of Psychology,
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign,
603 East Daniel St.,
Champaign, IL 61820
website: www.hejibo.info

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