I'd say most people us a simple text editor such as Vim, Emacs... If you use 
runserver and and your browsers auto-reload for that tab then that's all you 
need. If you want to be a bit speedier then you can use things like 
Sass/Compass for your CSS and maybe HamlPy for your HTML. Both have "watch" 
commands that watch your .sass/.haml files and automatically create the 
.css/.html which would then be picked up be runserver which in turn gets 
reloaded by your browser's tab for which you set the autoload toggle.

for HTML
 - https://github.com/jessemiller/HamlPy

for CSS
 - https://github.com/chriseppstein/compass (is written in Sass)
 - https://github.com/nex3/sass

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