I was wrong. There wasn't any issue with the unicode. Your fixed worked
perfectly. I just had to change my comparison from

password is not password_confirm


password != password_confirm

and it's working great now. Thanks a lot!

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Kurtis Mullins

> Thanks Daniel! You were right on cue with that. I tried your code and for
> some reason the value is being returned as a standard string instead of a
> unicode string, as far as I can tell. (Effectively, my password and
> passwordConfirm are not matching anymore). Hopefully once I get that worked
> out, things will be working great.
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk>wrote:
>> On Thursday, 22 September 2011 15:18:15 UTC+1, Kurtis wrote:
>>> Sorry, I guess I should've posted that as well :)
>>> import string
>>> class PasswordField(forms.CharField)**:
>>>     # Setup the Field
>>>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>>>         super(PasswordField, self).__init__(min_length = 7, required =
>>> True,
>>>                         label = u'Password',
>>>                         widget = forms.PasswordInput(render_**value =
>>> False),
>>>                         *args, **kwargs)
>>>     # Validate - 1+ Numbers, 1+ Letters
>>>     def clean (self, value):
>>>         # Setup Our List of Characters
>>>         lower = list(string.lowercase[:26])
>>>         upper = list(string.uppercase[:26])
>>>         numbers = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
>>>         # Assume False until Proven Otherwise
>>>         numCheck = False
>>>         charCheck = False
>>>         # Loop until we Match
>>>         for char in value:
>>>             if not charCheck:
>>>                 if char in lower or char in upper:
>>>                     charCheck = True
>>>             if not numCheck:
>>>                 if char in numbers:
>>>                     numCheck = True
>>>             if numCheck and charCheck:
>>>                 break
>>>         if not numCheck or not charCheck:
>>>             raise forms.ValidationError(u'Your password must include at
>>> least \
>>>                               **            one letter and at least one
>>> number.')
>> You need to ensure that it returns the value if it is valid. Currently,
>> your code raises an error if it is invalid, but returns `None` if it is
>> valid - you should explicitly return `value`.
>> Actually, even better, you should call the superclass `clean` method and
>> return the value from that:
>>     return super(PasswordField, self).clean(value)
>> --
>> DR.
>> --
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