This is way off topic for this group but......

To be comfortable with python, the online python documentation is a
very good resource. It seems like you're  a programming noob so also
get books like pragmatic programmer and Python The Hard Way. Of course
there are many more good books on python programming but nobody learns
how to swim by reading books. In other words, the singular act that
will make you a better programmer is doing more programming. You can
also check github and the likes so you can read other people's code
and maybe improve them.

On 9/11/11, cha <> wrote:
> thank you very much
> Babatunde Akinyanmi & petey
> Im merge the code and its work
> Mr Babatunde Akinyanmi
> acutely I need be comfortable with programming with python
> But I dont Know How to do that
> can you help me and give me the best way to be comfortable and
> professional programmer
> --
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