They are probably off under some folder named site-packages that isn't
within the project.  Probably the easiest way to find it is to (first
activating any virtual environment as necessary) run:

python shell

Then import something of interest, then type its name, such as:

>>> import pinax
>>> pinax

This will print some stuff, including the path to a .pyc file, which, in
python2.x, anyway, is in the same folder
as holds the .py file (which might be an file if you've imported
a package, as you probably will).

Probably you really want to import an app, from your INSTALLED_APPS that you
suspect of having the
view you want.  Then it should be easy to find both the view and it may
straightforwardly have a templates subdirectory.  Some templates may have to
be searched for, however, and if I recall correctly that's true of pinax's
included apps, though they will still be under the directory holding pinas's, and if you're on *nix, including mac O/Sx, you should be able
to use find, once you know the name of the template file (which you should
be able to get from the view, or possibly from the if the template
to use is extra context).  If you need to trek slower, you can always follow
the url chain from your root urlconf, using the import trick above to find
included sub urlconfs as necessary.

Once you've found things, you need to decide whether you are going to patch
the installed files (wiped out on reinstall, needs to be repeated for
deployment, maybe), monkey patch the necessary modules, or make a shadow
version of the necessary app.

Templates are easy, if you have a reasonable TEMPLATE_DIRS and the usual
ordering of the template loaders, since you can dup the path to the template
under your own project's templates directory, and it will be found before
the on in the app.

If you want a shadow app for the python code, you generally have to duplicte
the entire app under your project root somewhere that will be earlier on the
python path than the installed versions (I believe that pinax creates an
"apps" sub-folder that is suitably set up to be on the path, I don't
remember if it managed to come before the pinax included apps, but if not,
you can fiddle sys.path in  You can then put your version
under your own revision control system and do merges if you decide to update
pinax later.

Good luck, Bill

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Christos Jonathan Hayward <> wrote:

> I would like to incorporate django-honeypot (
> into a Pinax site so
> there's less spam; the project was cloned from the social network.
> The basic instructions for django-honeypot are "Add X to your,
> do Y to templates containing forms you want to honeypot, and do Z to views
> servicing those templates."
> However, after looking through my Pinax project and the virtual
> environment, I don't see where the templates and views are for me to do Y
> and Z to.
> Where should I be looking to appropriately change templates and views to
> lessen the load of spam?
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