> One solution to your problem could be to write a decorator that takes a
> list of types (plus something like None for "don't care") and
> automatically converts argument N to thetypein the N-th element of the
> list before calling your function.

How would one write a decorator to take a list of types? I'm
interested in automatically converted the URL parameter string 'None'
to the object type None.


On Feb 25 2008, 1:20 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 00:07 -0800, webheld wrote:
> > hi django guys,
> > is there a simple way to convert URL parameter for views
> > automatically?
> > let's say I have in my urls.py:
> > (r'^myview/(\d+)/', 'myview')
> > and I know that myview will *always* receive an int parameter, can
> > django convert thistypesomehow automatically?
> No. We rely on Python's reg-exp library to match these strings. And the
> reg-exp library's position is that a string matching \d+ is still a
> string (quite reasonable).
> Doingautomaticconversionwould require inspecting the reg-exp string
> and working out which arguments *could* be converted, then which
> arguments *should* be converted (see below) and then doing the work.
> Lots of overhead.
> Note thatautomaticconversionwouldn't be a good plan, either. For
> example, the next version of my blog converts URLs like 2008/2/25/ to
> 2008/02/25/ because I want a canonical form. So I need to know if
> \d{1,2} matches one of two digits, even if the first one is 0.
> Auto-conversionto an integer would remove that capability (and it's not
> hard to think of other cases like this). So you'd need configurabiliy.
> One solution to your problem could be to write a decorator that takes a
> list of types (plus something like None for "don't care") and
> automatically converts argument N to thetypein the N-th element of the
> list before calling your function.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch 
> up.http://www.pointy-stick.com/blog/

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