On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 09:36 -0400, James Punteney wrote:
> Right now if I add say a "rabbit" I'd have to go to edit every other
> animal that is a predator of the rabbit to specify that the rabbit is
> prey for those other animals vs just selecting the predators on the
> rabbit edit page. Which is obviously less than ideal.

I thought that someone else would respond with a more clever solution,
but since nobody did, I'll tell how I did it.

I just wrote a small web interface with a view that allowed additions
and deletions. It didn't allow to enter any other information, just the
relationship changes. So I didn't use the admin interface, I just rolled
my own. If anybody has a better idea, please share it, because how
I did it was neither clever nor pretty.

Maciej Bliziński

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