
I have implemented a custom save method for one of my models like this:

def save_model(self,request,obj,form,change):
        if obj.slug == "" or obj.slug is None:
            obj.slug = slugify(obj.title)
        # I get database representation of the object to check if
        # it was not published before and it is published now
        # in order to set pub_date right

        if change is True:
            obj_db = Post.objects.get(pk=obj.id)
            if obj_db.yayinlandi == False and obj.yayinlandi == True:
                obj.pub_date = datetime.now()


And, I have a custom save method on my model like this:

def save(self,force_insert=False, force_update=False,using=None):
        super(Post, self).save(force_insert, force_update,using=using)
        if self.yayinlandi:

My problem is, I get a server error when trying to save, lets say, a varchar
value, which is bigger in length then specified by max_length argument. I
believe admin panel supposed to warn me when trying to save that value, and
I broke that behaviour by applying my custom save. Does anyone have an idea
what is going on an know how to fix this?

All of the project is in here: https://github.com/yasar11732/django-blog

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