I'm trying to automatically update audit fields "updated" and
"updated_by" when an existing record is saved through a TabularInline
subform. In my main forms (ModelAdmin) I do that with save_model():

  5 class AuditAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  6     ordering = ['id']
  7     def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
  8         if change:
  9             obj.updated = datetime.datetime.now()
 10             obj.updated_by = request.user.username
 11         else:
 12             obj.created = datetime.datetime.now()
 13             obj.created_by = request.user.username
 14         obj.save()

But that doesn't seem to have any effect on TabularInline. Here's what
I tried:

 16 class AuditTabularAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
 17     ordering = ['id']
 18     def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
 19         if change:
 20             obj.updated = datetime.datetime.now()
 21             obj.updated_by = request.user.username
 22         else:
 23             obj.created = datetime.datetime.now()
 24             obj.created_by = request.user.username
 25         obj.save()

The docs say "InlineModelAdmin shares many of the same features as
ModelAdmin" -- I'm guessing save_model() is not one of them? I
experimented with the features TabularInline adds to the ones *not
shared* (?), but couldn't get any to do the trick.

What is the recommended way to programmatically update fields upon
saving an existing record through a TabularInline?

Thanks very much for any help.


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