Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> On 8/20/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'd like the admin display of Committees to display the committee
>> members.  I tried adding 'members.all()' to the Admin list_display,
>> but that didn't work.  I can sort of do it if I add this function to
>> the Committee class:
>>     def all_members_str( self ):
>>         all_members = ""
>>         for member in self.members.all():
>>             all_members += str( member ) + "; \n"
>>         return all_members
>>     all_members_str.short_description = "Members"
>> and then add 'all_members_str' to the list_display, but it doesn't
>> come out looking that great.  Any ideas?
> That's precisely the approach I'd recommend. If it doesn't come out
> looking that great, can't you just change the formatting, by, for
> example using a different character rather than a semi-colon? I guess
> I don't see the problem...

the only "problem" might be that you (original poster) are doing a 
db-query for every Comittee object.


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