Hello everyone,

  Firstly, I've been using Django for quiet sometime now and have
created a few projects and many of my websites run it.  I am wanting
to take my Django management to the next level, and need to use the
os.fork() function, here's why.

  I am planning on developing a web control panel for managing Django
instances in Django itself.  It only makes sense to make the control
panel in Django.  It will contain models for managing the actually
instances themselves and which users have control to them, and what
permissions these users have.  Features I plan on putting into the
control panel will be native Subversion support, using the Python
Subversion libraries.  This will allow projects to be versioned and
updated using Subversion rather than FTP/SFTP.  I currently use
Subversion in this manner already and it works wonderfully.  Other
features will include stopping and starting instances by use of
runfcgi management command.  I plan on using FastCGI support for
easier management and wider server support.  I currently use Nginx for
my website and it works nicely with Django's FastCGI server.  It will
allow database syncs and other tools normally supplied by manage.py.
I also plan on adding support for creating new projects and
associating it with an new Subversion repo.

  Now, the only hurdle I am currently trying to get past is the
ability to manage a Django site from within a different Django site.
I need to use Fork in order to make sure that the process uses the
settings.py from the other Django instance, and for it stays separate
from the Django control panel.  For example, a user could add some
malicious setting that could cause havoc when imported.  Process
separation is very important, and I would like some ideas on how I can
go about doing this to ensure a secure server.  Should I just spawn a
new Python process perhaps with a specific function to do the
management calls to be on the safe side?

Here's the code I will be needing to run in a os.fork():
from django.core.management import setup_environ, call_command
import settings
call_command('<management command>', **kwargs)

  So this would be in a separate function and called from a view which
uses os.fork(), or should I place os.fork() in the same function as
this code.  Of course the sys.path will be re-written before any
imports are done.  I plan on integrating Virtualenv with this.  The
model in the management Django project will contain the directories
and such that point to the Virtualenv.

  If anybody is interesting in helping with such a project, I am very
much open to any help.  I hope that this project may open Django to a
wider world of users, if the command-line Django admin stuff can be
done through a nifty web interface.  I have a server which it can be
developed and tested on as well.

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