Yes--as I recalled from the documentation:

*I’ve got functions listening for the registration/activation signals, but
they’re not getting called!*

The most common cause of this is placing django-registration in a
sub-directory that’s on your Python import path, rather than installing it
directly onto the import path as normal. Importing from django-registration
in that case can cause various issues, including incorrectly connecting
signal handlers. For example, if you were to place django-registration
inside a directory named django_apps, and refer to it in that manner, you
would end up with a situation where your code does this:

from django_apps.registration.signals import user_registered

But django-registration will be doing:

from registration.signals import user_registered

>From Python’s point of view, these import statements refer to two different
objects in two different modules, and so signal handlers connected to the
signal from the first import will not be called when the signal is sent
using the second import.

To avoid this problem, follow the standard practice of installing
django-registration directly on your import path and always referring to it
by its own module name: registration (and in general, it is always a good
idea to follow normal Python practices for installing and using Django

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:07 AM, william ratcliff <> wrote:

> Someone else may want to confirm this, but were there any issues with
> signals depending on location within the project?
> Best,
> William
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
>> wrote:
>> Personally, I don't rely on easy_install/pip to install project specific
>> packages into the OS site-packages.
>> There is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing this on a project
>> level, as I would recommend to do it where ever possible.
>> Although do remember, some packages won't be cross-system compatible (such
>> as MySQL-python).
>> Cal
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Andre Lopes <>wrote:
>>> Hi, I have put this question in StackOverflow, but no response untill
>>> now... This is an important question to me to understand how Django
>>> works
>>> I am new to Django.
>>> I have some doubts about installing 3rd party Apps in Django.
>>> A specific example. The "django-registration" App in
>>> Reading the
>>> instructions the doc tell us to install this app with PIP(pip install
>>> django-registration), doing this the App will be installed in Python
>>> Site-packages, right?
>>> My question is: The App must to be installed in that way? Why not put
>>> the 'django-registration' folder in our Project as an App?
>>> PS: This is a starter Django Question.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> --
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