Hi list,

I'm busy writing a custom json serializer for django. It works very
good, only now I want to serialize ForeignKey and M2M relations inside
the same serialization call and build nested json objects with all model
instances that the current model instance relates to.

{'field_a': 'value',
 'field_b': 'value',
 'field_c': {             <-- Nest Foreign Keys
    'field_d': 'value',
    'field_e': 'value',
 'field_f': [             <-- Nest M2M
    {'field_g': 'value'},
    {'field_h': 'value'}

I found https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/4656 that discusses this
problem, but, from what I understood, is not offering a clean solution yet.

So I actually have 2 questions:

1) Is there an "common way" how people do that? I'm sure other people
were doing thesame thing already. I found
http://code.google.com/p/wadofstuff/wiki/DjangoFullSerializers that
seems to do exactly this, but if possible I prefer not to use another
3rd party dependency.

2) I found 'a way' where I iterate through each field of the model and
test the field in the following way:

 if type(a._meta.get_field('field_c')) == models.ForeignKey:
     # follow relation and serialize it

Now is it a smart idea to access the model option with _meta, or can I
expect this not to work anymore with the next django release?

Any hint or input is appreciated.


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