I use the messages framework (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/
ref/contrib/messages/#module-django.contrib.messages) to display
messages after handling a post. My base template displays the messages
meaning I can redirect to any page after the post and know that the
message will be displayed. You could process the post and redirect
back to the page containing the form if you want to.


On Aug 14, 5:52 pm, doniyor <doniyor....@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> i need a litle help in working with forms. i have a button and i want
> to output a success text above the button if the user presses the
> button. how to do this ? is there any template tag like  {% if
> form.is_submitted %} or so?
> main point is that i dont want to write another html file only to show
> the success message.
> thanks in advance..
> Doni

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