On 08/12/2011 03:13 AM, Kevin Anthony wrote:
> i'm trying to interface a django json page with an android application.
> it seems most json applications written for android use
> www.somepage.com/json.php?this=that&something=anotherthing
> But that doesn't work with django,
> Has anyone interfaced Django and Android? and if they did, is there
> any reading material on it?

It might help if you were a little more specific. and gave some kind of

What exactly do you mean with 'json' page?

an asynchronous get request to fetch json data or do you mean JSONRPC?

Django can well obtain the values of 'this' and of 'something'  in a get

with request.GET.get('this', '-')
reuest.GET.get('something', '-')

( but probably this is not what you meant)

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