Hello All,

I have a little problem, I,d like to share with you for possible solution.

I have a models like this:

class MyBuddyt(models.Model):

    location = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200)
    name = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200)
    email = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200)
    comment = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200)
    phone = models.DateCharField(blank=True, max_length=200)

I have created over 90 buddies and these data lies in my database.

I want to export these data from the database straight to an Excel file i.e

I know this is doable using python csv module but that's not what I want.

I have tried using the xlrd and xlwt package and I am sure they can get it
done, I just haven't been able to get my way around.

If I do this:
buddies = MyBuddy.objects.all()
for buddy in buddies:
 print buddy.name, buddy.location, buddy.email, buddy.phone, buddy.comment

I get 90 line of information as ordered by the print function, with each
line having 5 values.

Now I want this to go into an Excel file so that each line represents a row
and each of the 5 values per role stays in different columns on that row e.g
buddy.name in cell(1,a) , buddy.location in cell(2,a),
buddy.email in cell(3,a), buddy.phone in cell(4,a),
buddy.comment in cell(5,a)

How do I get this done to happen for the 90 entries.

I have tried this:

for buddy in buddies:
  for row in range(r+1):
   for col in range(4):
    sh.write(row,col,'%s' % (buddy))

I got the error:

Exception: Attempt to overwrite cell: sheetname=u'names' rowx=0 colx=0

 Did this:

for buddy in buddies:
    colm = 0
    row = 1
    for item in buddyt:
     sh.write(row, colm, item)

Got this error:

TypeError                                MyBuddy object not iterable

and also this:

for contact in contacts:
 while row < r:
  col += 1
  col += 1
  col += 1
  col +=1
  row +=1

then got this error:

Exception: Attempt to overwrite cell: sheetname=u'names' rowx=0 colx=0

Kindly help with a hint please.


Elegbede Muhammed Dipo
TimbaObjects Co.,

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