I have played around with django-audit-log for a while, and so far it
works great. However, I do need to work on saving the records to a
separate db, as Shawn suggested.

Fwiw, there's a page on the wiki about audit trail/logs, which, albeit
outdated, should prove helpful.


On 8/10/11, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au> wrote:
> On 11/08/2011 9:51am, Shawn Milochik wrote:
>> Mike,
>> I'm doing something similar in another project. I created a sublass of
>> models.Model and am using that throughout the project, which makes it
>> much easier.
> I'm sub-classing models.Model to include created, updated and updated_by
> fields which is pretty ordinary but nice. I'm also borrowing Marty
> Alchin's (Pro Django pp257 - 260) CurrentUserField to automatically
> insert the current user into updated_by.
> I used the same technique to subclass models.ForeignKey('Document',
> to_field='ancestor' ..) so I can just add AncestorKey() to any model
> which needs to link to the "line" of documents rather than a single
> document. The project isn't anywhere near finished - I'm still writing
> the models - so I don't know how well all this will work - but my thanks
> to Marty anyway!
> Also - I just googled and found -
> https://bitbucket.org/q/django-simple-history/overview which builds on
> Marty Alchin's approach to history. I haven't fully understood his
> approach yet so the content of that link is probably a bit beyond me at
> the moment.
>> On the post-save of any subclass of my custom model, I serialize the
>> model's fields as a JSON object and store it in a text field of my
>> application's database in a special audit model. That audit object
>> stores the timestamp, instance's primary key, and optionally the User
>> instance that changed it.
>> There's also a 'description' field in my audit model. For every entry
>> in the audit table for the same primary key you can grab the JSON and
>> compare them and write plain text to the description field like 'last
>> name changed from Smith to Smithe by someguy at 2011-08-10 13:42.'
>> The beauty of the 'description' field is that if I ever want to change
>> the format of that, I can change my code and then re-generate the
>> description from the JSON, so there won't be a cutoff between
>> "old-style audit history" and "new-style audit history."
> Beauty indeed :)
> I'm definitely going to rethink my design. You are making me think a
> generic solution is worthwhile.
>> Incidentally, my custom model (and therefore all subclasses of it) are
>> using a UUID as a primary key to avoid the horror that is generic
>> foreign keys. Just in case you were wondering how my audit scheme
>> works across various models.
> That's something I haven't investigated. I haven't experienced too many
> horrors yet.
> Thanks again
> Mike
>> Shawn
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