Could you please give an example.. say of a simple input box
in html its done like
<input type="text"  name="Identifies contents to CGI"    value="Text Inside">

How would i replace the default input box with the one from Django widgets??

Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 18:34:56 +0800
Subject: Re: Using Form Elements Widgets direclty in HTML

Since you don't want to use forms class, you can write elements in your 
templates directly.

2011/8/9 Hayyan Rafiq <>

Hi I wanted to know if there was a way in which we could use widget directly in 
an HTML file
By widget i mean elements of a form such as input boxes,calendars,Buttons etc 
without using the forms class.

For example A default normal html input box is :

<input type="text"  name="Somename"   value="Text Inside">
I wanted to replace it with a fancier (more interesting and professional) input 
any suggestions on how i could do that would be appreciated..

I  also wanted to use a table in my HTML to display contents from my DB. Do you 
guys have anything in mind which might be useful for me...
I currently am generating the table dynamically using </table> tag 



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