That did help, thanks a lot :)

On 9 Sie, 03:21, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
> On 9/08/2011 9:49am, eggxtreme wrote:
> > Hi, i've had some strange errors when trying to install django
> > standalone, so i have used the whole bundle option, linked from
> > documentation. Bitnami. It installed python, django, apache,
> > sqlite.... I use Windows XP btw.
> I'm not sure whether Bitnami will let you choose the locations for your
> stack components but if not I would suggest you uninstall everything and
> start again installing into your own locations.
> IMHO you need short directory names without spaces so you can easily
> adjust settings and config files and actually use less brain-space to
> make things happen.
> If it was me I'd create C:\lamp as a root directory for python and
> apache. I'd create C:\users\Luka\dprojects as root for Django projects
> and their source including (eventually) your own css and images etc.
> C:\users\Luka by the way is where Windows 7 will put your "My Documents"
> etc and profile.
> Then install ...
> - Apache into C:\lamp\apache
> - Python into C:\lamp\python
> - Sqlite into C:\lamp\sqlite (not that I use Sqlite - I prefer PostgreSQL)
> Provided Python installs successfully it will establish all the
> necessary environment vars so that Django will automatically install
> into C:\lamp\python\Lib\site-packages\django
> After that, in C:\users\Luka\dprojects\first I'd try again according to
> the tutorial
> On my own XP machine, I adjusted "My Documents" to point to
> C:\users\miked which makes life less complex.
> Other people might have other ideas and I'm not insisting you give up
> spaces in filenames. This is just my take on your problems.
> Good luck
> Mike
> > And i've went first run on python and django by the tutorial.
> > Unfortunatly i have stopped at part 2 when i should login to admin
> > panel, and can't solve problem with css and js files. They just don't
> > load, do a 404 and i see admin panel in a pure html layout (scary).
> > So how could i fix this?
> > My and are all default, except i turned on all
> > those apps that tutorial said to and admin url.
> > I see that the css and js files lies in their folders under this path:
> > C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\apps\django\django\contrib\admin
> > \media
> > While my app(models, views,tests) is here:
> > C:\Documents and Settings\Luka\BitNami DjangoStack projects\djangoTut
> > \polls
> > and is one folder up
> > How should i configure and what to make those damn css load?

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