I've marked a few things that are important I think, because it is getting a 
bit bulky 

>These are my assumptions about the bits of code you've posted:
> > 
> >models.py
> >categories = models.ManyToManyField('Category', blank=True, null=True, 
>> default = None)
> >
> >*Assumption*: categories is a field defined within a standard Django 
>> model; Category is >another model you have defined.
>> Yes, categories is a field in model Entry
>> >{% get_related_entries weblog.entry 5 from object.categories as 
>> related_entries %}
> >     {% for entry in related_entries %}
> >          <p><a href="{{ entry.get_absolute_url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a>
> >     {% endfor %}
> >
> >
> >*Assumption:* weblog and object are context variables provided to the 
>> template from the view. object is an instance of the model with the 
>> categories m2m field you showed above.
> >
> >I'm not sure how weblog.entry is relevant.
>> weblog.entry is the model that is used. The templatetag is used when on a 
>> blogentry detail page and should give a list of related entries (with 
>> corresponding categories)
>> It comes from* django.db.models.get_model() *
>  (p117 of Practical Django Projects). That's one of the books I'm learning 
>> from and now I'm trying to understand how custom templatetags work. Already 
>> made a few and stepping up the complexities
>> >def __init__(self, model, number, categories, varname):
> >    self.categories = template.Variable(categories)
> >
> >*Assumption:* model, number, categories, and varname are the parameters 
>> from the template tag you show in the template snippet above. I am guessing 
>> that they are all just the strings, exactly as they >appear in the template.
>> model = weblog.entry
> number = number of entries to display
> categories = object.categories ; these are the categories linked to the 
>> entry (in this case 3 categories: C1, C2 and C3 )
> varname = related_entries
>> >
> >
> >def render(self, context):
> >    related = self.varname.resolve(context)
> >    return related    
> >
> >At this point, I presume that you have defined self.varname in __init__ 
>> above, as "self.varname = varname", and you have just chosen not to paste 
>> that line.
> > 
>> *This was a typo*, because I was going back to check your suggestion from 
>> the djangoproject example (which I already tried some time before)
> I corrected this to self.categories.resolve(context) and *I didn't get a 
>> Template error anymore. But I didn't get any other entries either, and there 
>> should be at least 1*. 
>> >
> >Caught AttributeError while rendering: 'unicode' object has no attribute 
>> 'resolve'
> >
> >First off, self.varname, if I am correct, is just the string 
>> "related_entries" here. It doesn't have a "resolve" method, because it's 
>> just a string. Variable objects, like self.context, have a "resolve" 
>> method. 
> >
> >If you want to access the categories that you have mentioned in the 
>> template, then you can use
> >self.categories.resolve(context)
>> See above. My mistake :-(
> >
> >If you want to access "weblog.entry", then you will need to create a 
>> Variable from it, like you did with categories:
> >
> >def __init__(...):
> >    ...
> >    self.model = template.Variable(model)
> >    ...
> >
> >and then resolve it in render(), as self.model.resolve(context)
>> I'll add the Category as a model. Lowercase just as 
>> django.db.models.get_model() needs it.
>> self.modelcat = category
>> The relations are stored in *content_entries_categories* table in the 
>> Database (id, entry.id, category.id). Django retrieves it while rendering 
>> the detail_entry template (because it returns the category names in the 
>> shell.
>> Basically I want to do the same. Retrieve all entries that have the same 
>> category.id as the entry on the detailpage. How can I do that in a 
>> templatetag?
>> >
> >If you need to push back a value in a variable call related_entries, then 
>> you will want to set a value in the context dictionary:
> >
> >context[related_entries] = <some value here>
> >
> >You won't be able to resolve it as a Variable, because it (presumably) 
>> doesn't even exist >before you call your custom tag, but once you set it on 
>> the context object, it will be >available to the rest of the template.
>> This I don't understand. As I understand Django (but correct me if I'm 
>> wrong) the related_entries should be a dictionary or list  of 
>> Entry-instances.
>> >
> >Hope this helps,
> >
> >Ian
> >

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